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Before we begin, you should first understand the terms that I would use to describe this Rubik How to Develop later.

Rubik parts:
Center Pieces: Rubik side who only has one color only, located in the central part and is usually used as the shaft to rotate Rubik side. There are six in number.
Edge Pieces: Rubik side which has 2 colors, it is at the edges, are used to limit the other one with the other side. There are 12 in number.
Corner Pieces: Rubik side which has three colors, it is at the corner. There are 8 in number.

Step Movement Rubik:
R (Right): Play the right hand side of rubik clockwise.
R ': Play the right hand side of rubik anticlockwise.
L (Left): Rotate the left side rubik clockwise.
L ': Play rubik left side anticlockwise.
U (Up): Play the rubik top clockwise.
U ': Play the rubik the top counter-clockwise.
D (Down): Play a rubik bottom side clockwise.
D ': Play rubik bottom side anticlockwise.
F (Front): Plays the front side rubik clockwise.
F ': Play rubik front side anticlockwise.
B (Back): Rotating the rear side rubik clockwise.
B ': Play rubik rear side anticlockwise.

Remember..! All of the above movements performed only one round only, or 90 ° rotation. And for two rounds or 180 ° rotation, denoted by adding the number 2, for example, L2, B2, U2 ... etc.

Okay, once you understand the terms above, it is time we move on to the stages of preparation.

►Membuat Pattern Cross (+)

cara menyusun rubik
The first stage in preparing the Rubik is to make cross (+). We'll make one side of the Rubik (white) to form a cross (+), such as that seen in gb.1a.

No such special algorithm to make an early form like this. All done only based on simple logic. You should focus on the Edge Pieces of white color imaginable. Emmm ... actually rather difficult for me to explain the initial steps of making this bentukCross, but even
difficult, I will try to give some idea as referrals.
Hold the Center Pieces of white color with the left thumb and the opposite color (yellow) with the middle finger ..! Okay, now we just anggab Center Pieces White as Front (front side). Next, look at the color of the Center Pieces right side ..! For example, the color green. Pieces CariEdge White Green and pair the green with his Center Pieces (green). Kalo difficulty, first remove the thumb of the Center Pieces White. And after the green parallel, return the thumb to its original position. After that, turn right side rubik before (green) until Edge Pieces whiteness Center Pieces parallel to its (white). Use Green as the axis of rotation.
Well ... now one step has been completed. The next step is, turn the Rubik 90 ° clockwise with the thumb and middle finger at its center ..! Okay ... next to the color green is the color orange. Perform the same steps as before.
Search Edge Pieces White Orange and pair of color orangenya with its Center Pieces (orange). If so aligned, rotate the rubik side (orange) until Edge Pieces whiteness Center Pieces parallel to its (white). Use Orange as the axis of rotation.

Do the same thing on both sides of the others, until it forms a Gb.1b Cross as the following.
cara menyusun rubik

See..! Under the white, red paired with red. Green paired with green. Similarly, the two other Pieces Edge, Center Pieces should be the same with her. It was an absolute ..!
Okay ... after Cross formed, make sure the location of the Rubik later white color at the bottom (move your thumb so that the white side is on the bottom).

So ►Menyempurnakan White Side Other Side Form Letter T Reversed
cara menyusun rubik
After a cross pattern is formed, the next step is to complete the Corner Pieces White, so that later the white color will be fully formed. The trick, find Corner Piecesyg no white color and then place on the right side of his white and other colors to be paired with the Center Pieces its diagonally.
cara menyusun rubik
Look at Gb.2b, blue color must be paired with blue diagonally. Note the yellow line. It's mandatory ..! Blue paired with diagonal blue and white on the right side.
Once that position is established, the next step is to perform the following movements,

R → U → R '

Well ... white color has been moved to the bottom right now ...
Do the same thing on the other sides. Rotate the top (movement U) to find a position as the third color Gb.2b for any (one by one), then do another movement above.
cara menyusun rubik
If an example is the fall diagonally to the left as Gb.2c, do the opposite movement:

L '→ U' → L

Do the same on the sides of the next, until it forms a pattern as in Gb.2a above. In the picture we can see, the white color is already fully formed and the layers above it also has a form letter T inverted (see green line).
Okay ... the first step has been completed.
Huuuuft ... a little dizzy right? hahaha ... together, me too.

►Menyempurnakan Middle LayerThis stage is the stage of the most easy to resolve. How to enhance the middle layer is very simplistic. At this stage only will be three possibilities alone. You can either apply the following steps to enhance the color location of the position you want. See the following Gb.3b.
cara menyusun rubik
This stage is the stage of the most easy to resolve. How to enhance the middle layer is very simplistic. At this stage only will be three possibilities alone. You can either apply the following steps to enhance the color location of the position you want. See the following Gb.3b.
cara menyusun rubik
- To move 1a to 1b or 2a to 2b (top left), just do the following motion,

U '→ L' → U '→ L → U → F → U → F'

And to the contrary from the left to the top,

F → U '→ F' → U '→ L' → U → L → U

- To move 1a to 1c or 2a to 2c (top right), perform the following movements,

U → R → U → R '→ U' → F '→ U' → F

And to the contrary, from the right to the top,

F '→ U → F → N → R → U' → R '→ U'

Ndak not worry, movements above will not damage the lower layer and also forms an inverted T which is already finished (Gb.2a).
Well ... after a middle layer formed, the next step is,

►Membentuk Cross Pattern On Side Up

cara menyusun rubik
Up here, we arrange the Rubik Cube that is already 75% finished. Just steps away to a six-sided Rubik be arranged perfectly.
To create a cross pattern on the top side, simply by doing the following motion,

F → R → U → R '→ U' → F '

Only by repeating the above algorithm would be associated with that form Cross as we expected. However do not forget, keep his position ..!
cara menyusun rubik
See the red line in Gb.4b. Its position should be facing that way. Do not just going around then ..! Because actually the position that is indicated by the red line is the basic patterns in making shapes Cross on the top side.
Just ignore the others had a yellow color (note that only the red stripes only). Apply the above algorithm to patterns Cross fully formed on the upper side. And after polaCross formed, the next step is ...

Top Layer ►Menyempurnakan

cara menyusun rubik
Actually, there are a lot of algorithms that we can apply to enhance this top layer (yellow). Each position is different algorithms but for now, we simply use the algorithm only. Perform the following movement repeatedly,

R → U → R '→ U → R → U → U → R'

No matter how much we do, it ndak would undermine the position of the layer below it. Do it until the yellow color Rubik fully formed. But do not forget, though more effective position should also be appropriate.
The shape resembles a fish.
See Gb.5, noticed a red spot imaginable on the image you both!
Try starting position before play like that huh ... like shape of a fish's mouth facing to the left.
Okay ... after the top layer is composed perfectly, now we enter the finishing stages.

►Menyempurnakan Right Side

cara menyusun rubik

To enhance the right side, first we have to find two the same color as that indicated by the white dot on Gb.6a. Turn the rotary side of it, until it was discovered this pattern. If no, do the following movements to make,

R '→ F → R' → B2 → R → F '→ R' → B2 → R2

Once the pattern is found, align with a partner. In Gb.6a above, the same color is blue, then blue with a blue align.
cara menyusun rubik
Okay ... now put the blue side who have been formed earlier (like Gb.6a), behind (Back), then do it again the above algorithm. Repeat until the pattern obtained as Gb.6b.
Note Gb.6b, position the color side who have been perfect (orange) on the right ..! If it did following the last algorithm, it is usually necessary to repeat twice to actually make it to the six-sided Rubik be perfect,

L2 → U '→ B → F' → L2 → B '→ F → U' → L2

Congratulations ... you've managed to put together a Rubik's Cube 3x3 perfectly. I can, meaning anyone could definitely origin willing to learn and memorize the steps above.

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